Welcome to the Homepage of Rainer Franke !
Rainer Franke
Certified Psychologist-Therapy,
Coaching, Formation, Training, Seminars since 1986
Since 2002, Rainer and his wife Regina Franke have introduced their MET-Tapping-Therapy by their seminars and books in Europe. In 2010 they devoloped an Universal App for iPhone and iPad in German, English and Spanish about how to treat various anxieties and thus spread the MET-Tapping-Method in the whole world. More than 14.000 participants in more than 500 seminars, and six books in German. The book „Klopfen Sie sich frei“ was just published in Chinese, the book „Sorgenfrei in Minuten“ was also published in Lithuanian and Spanish and will soon be published in Czech and Romanian. In the German speaking countries, four of their six books are bestsellers. Rainer Franke demonstrated the efficiancy of the MET-Method in more than 20 TV-Shows. You can learn the basics of MET in simply one day to apply in your daily routine. If you want to organize a seminar in your country with Rainer and/or Regina Franke, simply write us a message to the following e-mail: [email protected]. We will be pleased to contact you and talk about the conditions.
Rainer Franke bei
Rainer Frankes Universal App for iPhone®
MET – Meridian Energy Techniques for dissolving fear and anxiety
You suffer from fear of flying, existential fears, stage fear or other specific fears ?
And you wish to get rid of these fears ?
Then this App is yours !
Feedback from participants of our seminars:
“I really enjoyed the seminar. This method acquits me from the demigods in white, healers and gurus and offers me possibilities to balance myself. Rainer Franke is very self conscious, clear and open, and renders possible also to very normal people the access to Meridian Energy Techniques.”
“These two days were a wonderful event and I am overwhelmed by the effect of Meridian Energy Techniques. Within 15 minutes I reach my most profound depths!!! I finally could identify a feeling that is well known to me as a life long obstacle, which I could until now only encircle but never fathom completely.”
Rainer und Regina Franke:
Sorgenfrei in Minuten
as well in Lithuanian:
Rainer ir Regina Franke
Išsivaduokite iš rūpesčių per minutę
ISBN: 9955-604-56-5 :: 224 psl. :: 2006 m.
Leidykla “Algarve”, Rinktines g. 3/1, LT-09200 Vilnius
www.algarve.lt, El. p. [email protected]
im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
Kiekvienas iš mūsų galime išstuksenti sau sveikatą ir laimę pasinaudodami energetine meridianų technika.
Energetinis meridianų stuksenimas padeda išgydyti psichines traumas, depresiją, pyktį, įsiūtį, kaltės jausmą tiesiog per kelias minutes. Ir tam nereikia terapeuto. Kiekvienas savo rankose turi raktą į dvasinę laisvę, gali pats išstuksenti tai, ko jam reikia, atsikratyti piniginių rūpesčių, antsvorio ar vidinių žaizdų, kurios jį seniai kankina
Rainer und Regina Franke
Sorgenfrei in Minuten in Spanish Language:
ISBN 9788478086672
Páginas 216
Encuadernación RUSTICA
Precio 15.00 €
Los autores nos presentan en este libro una técnica revolucionaria, sencilla de aplicar y altamente efectiva para aliviar cualquier tipo de malestar emocional o de dolor físico. Se ha comprobado su utilidad en el tratamiento del
- Dolor emocional y el estrés postraumático
- Los miedos, las fobias, el pánico, la ansiedad y la inseguridad
- La ira, la culpabilidad, el rencor y la frustración
- Las adicciones, las compulsiones y el estrés
- La apatía y la depresión
- El dolor de cabeza, los dolores físicos en general y las alergias.
Al mismo tiempo, el MET mejora la capacidad de aprendizaje, así como el rendimiento profesional y deportivo, y es una valiosa herramienta de introspección y meditación.