Vocational training

Four-stage training for Certified MET THERAPIST


imparts necessary elementary knowledge of how to immediately apply MET (Meridian-Energie-Techniken nach Franke®) for your personal use.  Beyond teaching theoretical background there are demonstrations of practical applications of MET nach Franke® for tangible case studies. Each participant gets the opportunity to practice the technique on him-/herself and others.

Each attendant receives a certificate of participation as well as extensive documentation materials.


  • introduction to energetic psychology
  • demonstration of Meridian-Energie-Techniken nach Franke®
  • practising the MET nach Franke® techniques
  • MET nach Franke® with children
  • process of “healing inner wounds”
  • substitute tapping
  • mental  tapping
  • MET with animals


MET ADVANCED is a close follow up to MET BASICS. It is to be expected that each paticipant now has some experience in practising the MET techniques.
Each attendant receives a certificate of participation as well as extensive documentation materials.


Clarification of questions regarding experiences with Meridian-Energie-Techniken nach Franke®

  • levels of consciousness and morphic fields
  • more healing sentences, excercises
  • working with choices, excercises
  • use of affirmatives
  • MET nach Franke® and forgiving, excercises
  • earning collarbone-breathing according to Dr. Roger Callahan
  • applying MET to reach your goals, excercises

Requirement for this course is completion of MET BASICS

In general there should be about three to four months in between each course MET ADVANCED, MET THERAPIST, and MET SUPERVISOR.


Participation in this seminar is also possible for lay people. If you wish to take the written exam (based on contents of MET BASICS and MET ADVANCED) you can obtain the trademarked title MET Berater/in® (MET counselor).
If so desired, after submission of 10 documented MET study cases and participation in MET SUPERVISION you can also obtain the trademarked title of MET Therapeut® (MET Therapist).


  • learning the BSFF technique (Be Set Free Fast™) – exercises
  • applying MET with addictions (nicotine, sweets, alcohol, coffee, hard drugs, etc.)
  • learning the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) by Tapas Fleming, exercises
  • MET with traumatised patients (METT), exercises


The last of our 4-step-training seminars is MET SUPERVISION. Precondition for this course is previous participation in MET THERAPIST including the written exam, as well as written documentation of 10 case studies.
This seminar focuses on broadening your abilities as therapist. The final exam herein consists of doing a live therapy session in front of the group (live supervision). After passing this exam participants obtain certification of trademarked MET-Therapeut® (MET-THERAPIST) and can be listed as such on our website.


  • live supervision, including verification
  • disruption of contact between therapist and patient and its therapeutic relevancy


  • enhancement of therapeutic abilities
  • certification as “MET THERAPEUT®

To be able to continually use the trademarked title of MET-Therapeut® (MET Therapist) it is mandatory to participate in at least one retraining course each year. There are various courses with a selection of topics available to ascertain a high quality education system.

What is BSFF ™?

Be set free fast is the abbreviation of:  Behavioural and Emotional Symptom Elimination Training For Resolving Excess Emotion: Fear, Anger, Sadness and Trauma.

BSFF was developed by Dr. Larry Phillip Nims, clinical psychologist and student of Dr. Roger Callahan and is a part of energetic psychology methods. Unlike meridian therapies (NAEM von F. Gallo, MET, AFT, ESM, Emotional Blancing von Roy Martina, TAT etc.)  BSFF doesn´t tap acupuncture points.  BSFF works with and in the subconscious. In Larry Nims´ opinion and experience the subconscious is the mechanism that determines the forming, derivation and dissolution of our psychological problems, emotional imbalances, and personal restrictions. By the way, the subconscious also activates and harmonises meridians (MET) !
Since 1998 Larry Nims has been working with his patients and students with the so-called instant BSFF (iBSFF). In this case the subconscious, which can be compared to a computer, is being offered a new software. Once this new software program is installed in the operating system it can be activated through a code word. This code word combined with our intention to solve a certain problem works for us in our subconscious – automatically and strictly according to our new program.

BSFF easily, swiftly and gently removes all negative emotions, experiences, behaviour and thought patterns in all levels of our life experiences. It also neutralises our restricting belief sentences that constantly reactivate our problems and redirect our lives.

BSFF enables us to make better life choices, freed of any past destructive programing. It makes the transition from (automatically) reacting to (consciously) acting  possible.