Application range

Application range of MET, Meridian-Energie-Techniken nach Franke®

any kind of fearphobiasdepressionstraumasjealousyrage, anger, agression, hatemigraineany kind of painrestricting belief sentencesresignationdental phobiaguiltstressmourningasthmaaddictive cravingsany kind of allergyobsessionobsessive disordersexhaustionattention-deficit-syndromeeating disordersperformance disordersposttraumatic-stress-syndrome

Most fascinating with MET nach Franke® is, that it can be integrated in any existing therapy.

Insofar MET already is being applied in :

behaviour therapypsychotherapy for coherent perceptionmarriage counseling/family therapydrug abuse/detoxphysical therapyfamily constellationsobstetricsnursing for the elderlynursinggeneral medicinedental medicinepediatricsghost healingcoachingNLP (neurolinguistic programing)trauma treatmentetc.

However, MET nach Franke® cannot replace medical diagnosis or therapie, yet it can support and sensibly complemet it.